Dark Lip FAQ’s

  • Dark lip neutralization is a process of correcting cool or dark-toned lips by using pigment to neutralize the darkness, creating a more natural and subtle color. Firstly, it is critical you choose an artist that has had extensive training in dark lips and color theory. This process is quite different from a regular lipblushing. Everything you need to know about neutralization, healing, and aftercare will be disscused during your consultaion and the lip blush artist will determine which color to use for you, depending on the nature of your dark lips. This means they will determine whether greyish, purplish, or brownish hues are dominant, and choose the adequate color.

  • There is color science involved! Dark Lip Neutralization is an effective treatment for those with cool or dark lips in which we neutralize the darkness in the lips to reach a desired color.

  • Dark lips neutralization is a multi-stage procedure that requires multiple sessions to achieve desired results. Each case is unique and requires a personalized approach. Results largely depend on how light vs dark the lips are initially. It is important to be patient throughout this process and trust the artist’s expertise.

  • There is no downtime and a minimum of eight weeks in between sessions is required.

  • Clients who have two-toned lips (blue or purple), cool, brown, or dark color tones are excellent candidates. 

  • This is a very good question! Permanent makeup looks bolder and brighter immediately following the procedure. After a month the brightness will fade, and you will see a softer more natural look. Though some client's may express concern about the initial brightness, it is important to remember that if the initial color tone is too light, there may be no noticeable results after the two month mark.

    With each session the darkness will be more effectively neutralized and the lips brighter and more even.

  • While the tattoo may fade over time, it is designed to last for a long duration. Typically, the pigment used in dark lip tattoing is formulated to fade over 1-3 years. The longevity of the tattoo depends on various factors, including your skin type, lifestyle, and how well you take care of your lips.

    Regular touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the color and shape of the tattoo over time.

  • Here are three important pre-treatment steps to remember for a lip blush procedure:

    1) Clean and Hydrated Lips: Arrive with your lips clean and well-moisturized. This helps in achieving even color application.

    2) Avoid Alcohol: Refrain from consuming alcohol at least three days before your appointment to minimize any potential bleeding or swelling.

    3) Cold Sore Prevention: If you have a history of cold sores, obtain a prescription for Valtrex and start taking it one day before your appointment to prevent outbreaks.

    We will discuss aftercare during your appiontment and I will provide you will an ointment that you will take home.

  • An exceptionally strong numbing cream is used prior to and during your treatment to ensure a comfotable experience.

  • Of course! In fact dark lip neutralization among men is becoming more and more popular. Since a natural color is possible to achieve, the lips won’t appear as though they have color, they will simply appear lighter and more even.